Turkish Citizenship Application

 Ağu 09 2020


Steps Of Turkish Citizenship By Investment

1.Tax Registration number

 Recieve a Tax Registration Number at any tax Office or apply online – need copy of passport and application formhttps://ivd.gib.gov.tr/ - for online application

2.Open a bank account (if needed)

Requirements are - passport, Tax number, document showing your current address, as example utility bill.

3.Find a property with price starting from 400.000 USD

Sending more then 400.000 USD from applicant name Bank account, price must be more then 400.000 USD in Official Valuation, ready Title Deed.

4.Purchasing property in Turkey

Property has to be purchased by using Bank Transfer with document and transaction by reciept. The Title Deed Registry has to be annotated to state that property won’t be sold within the next three years. After three years is up, you can sell your investments in Turkey and keep the citizenship.

5.Obtain a Certificate of Conformity 

This will be done by providing the Official Valuation Survey and subbmitting the reciept of the bank transfer to the Ministry of Enviroment and Urbanization.

6.Applying Turkish Residency

Lawyer will apply for Turkish Residency at the Directorate General of Migration Managment after collecting all documents needed.

7.Applying Turkish Citizenship by investment

Lawyer will apply for Turkish Citizenship at Directorate General of Migration Managment after recieving your Turkish Residency and will collect all the necessary documents.  

8.Getting Turkish Citizenship


Documents Needed For Turkish Citizenship Application

1 – Copy of birth Certificate (each certificate must be stamped and authenticated from your country Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Turkish Embassy - Apostille)

2 – Marital Status/ Marriage Certificate / Divorce Certificate/ Death Certifiicate of supose if widowed. Each certificate must be stamped and authenticated from your country Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Turkish Embassy – Apostille

3 – Biometric photos (colored, 50/60 mm, white background, has to be taken at least in the last 6 months)

4 – Copy of original passport

5 – POA (Power Of Attorney)

6 – Receipt of money transfer from the Bank

7 – Proof of Address / Cerificate of Residence (provided only by governmental institution) - each certificate must be stamped and authenticated from your country Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Turkish Embassy - Apostille)













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